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Tito’s Restaurant and Wannawafel Recommended for Multiplex

Tito’s Restaurant and Wannawafel Recommended for Multiplex

Titos Restaurant
Three food court kiosks at the Multiplex have been assigned.

Tito’s Restaurant will occupy two spots with Wannawafel being the other successful vendor.

“Both will provide a unique cuisine flair in addition to our previous vendors Jugo Juice and Second Cup, filling out a nice selection for food services,” says Multiplex Marketing Co-ordinator Cheryl McKenzie, who presented the tenants at today’s Community Development Committee meeting.

“We have covered all points with breakfast, lunch and dinner, on the go, or eat in. There are some unique ethnic options as well as our standard western fare. I’m excited about the blend of menu variations that these four vendors will bring to the patrons of the Multiplex!”

Securing these two tenants now completes the food and beverage requirements of the facility, leaving two lease spaces available but with interested parties for both.

“I’m hoping to finalize deals on those two spaces within the next few weeks,” says McKenzie

The CDC will recommend to Council that both Tito’s and Wannawafel proceed for a leasing arrangement in the new Multiplex.

About The Multiplex

The Multiplex is the largest capital project that the City of Grande Prairie has ever undertaken, at 109 million dollars. This sports facility is a 250,000 sq.ft., complex comprised of an aquatics area, field house, fitness area, food and beverage, retail and community multipurpose rooms, and is slated to open in fall / winter of 2011. The facility will service the sporting and recreation community throughout the northern region, over 350,000 residents.

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